About Me!
Hey y'all! I'm Shannon ◡̈ I have wanted to work in the birth world since I was 4! I have always been fascinated with pregnant mamas, little babies, and the miraculous laboring process. As a kid I thought I would become an OBGYN doctor, then I decided to go to college to become a labor and delivery nurse. During that time, God put it on my heart to switch degrees and get a Bachelors of Health Sciences. After receiving my diploma, I began studying for a CPM (certified professional midwife). I am still in the process of fulfilling my dream in that way, but in the meanwhile, I love going to births so much I got my doula certification to help out mamas! I also have my EMT cert, I never want to stop learning! I am passionate about nutrition, home-making, and serving my Lord and Savior. I am from Monument, CO but I expect to drive anywhere within a 1 hour radius. As a doula, I consider myself an advocate, supporter, and encourager. God bless!

Eucharisteo Births LLC was started in 2025. I chose this name because it is the Greek word used in the New Testament of the Bible that means "thanks." It's meaning can also integrate joy and grace. This set of words describe an ideal birth for any woman- one where they have surrendered to how their body was designed to bring another life into this world. My goal as a birth worker is to bring these attributes and heart posture into the birth setting of my clients and friends. One day, this LLC will include midwifery services once my training is complete!
Check out my Instagram!

(Hover over video & click music note in bottom right hand corner to hear sound)
I am a HUGE advocate for first time moms having a birth doula!
Comprehensive Birth Support -1st time mamas/VBAC
This plan includes up to 3 prenatal visits, on call privileges with text support, labor and delivery support, and a birth recap call. This package is for first time mamas, women who want a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).
Guess what?! I am one of the few Doula's in Colorado who accept Colorado's Medicaid!
Which means my services will be FREE for you!
Comprehensive Birth Support- Experienced Families
This plan is for experienced mamas who have had at least one child vaginally before! Includes up to 2 prenatal visits, on call privileges along with text support, labor and delivery support, and optional birth recap call.
I attend home births, birth center births, and hospital births!
Personalized Care-
Make Me an Offer!
I believe in the power of personalized care. I tailor your support to meet your unique needs, preferences, and goals, ensuring that you receive the individualized care and attention you deserve. If you have a special circumstance or finances are an issue- please reach out! I would love to still be of service.